Hebukehe Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type section is lies at the east bank of the middle Hebuke River, Hoboksar County, Xinjiang. It was named by the No. 2 Team of Xinjiang Party of Regional Geological Survey in 1979.
Lithology and Thickness
Sandy Limestone and Volcanics. A suite of clastic rock formation, consisting mainly of dark-gray, yellow-green and gray-green sandy limestone, calcareous siltstone, siltstone, fine-grained sandstone and grit stone, intercalated with minor purple-gray bioclastic tuffaceous sandstone, siltstone, calcareous marl and siliceous limestone. In the middle and lower parts there are andesitic basalt porphyrite, andesitic porphyrite and intermediate-acid tuff. Thickness 255−1744 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Conformable contact (mostly) with the underlying strata
Upper contact
Conformable contact (mostly) with the overlying strata
Regional extent
Distributed in the eastern part of Semishitai Mt. south of the Hoboksar depression in western Junggar, Shaerbuerti Mt., and the Greater and Lesser Hafutike Mts and Santanghu in eastern Junggar.
Brachiopods Plicatifera sp., Rucauris sp., Leptagonia sp., Cyrtospirifer sp., Mucrospirifer sp. and Dielasma sp.; Corals Nicholsoniella sp., Syringaxon? sp., Nalivkinella sp. and Aulopora sp.; Trilobite Phacops sp.; Clymenias Cymaclymenia cf. striata, Imitocera sp., etc. Zhao Zhixin has collected Conodonts Apatognathus sp., Gnathodus sp., Polygnathus sp., Pseudopolygnathus sp., etc. from the upper member of the Aerjiatishan Fm.
Depositional setting
Additional Information